Learn how to integrate with Lighthouse Metrics using webhooks.
Lighthouse Metrics can send webhook notifications when various events occur in your account. Available events include:
- monitor.created - When a new monitor is created
- monitor.updated - When a monitor's configuration is changed
- monitor.deleted - When a monitor is deleted
- check.completed - When a Lighthouse check completes
- alert.triggered - When an alert condition is met
HTTP Response
Your endpoint should return a 2xx response code to acknowledge receipt of the webhook. Any other response code will be considered a failed delivery.
Response Codes
- 200: Success - Webhook received and processed
- 201: Created - Webhook received and new resource created
- 202: Accepted - Webhook received but processing is delayed
- 4xx: Client Error - Invalid webhook payload or authentication
- 5xx: Server Error - Your endpoint is experiencing issues
Delivery Attempts and Retries
If a webhook delivery fails, the system will attempt to retry the delivery. Check the logs for more details on delivery attempts.